Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Nice Winners

Opening Prayer: Tim
Opening Song: We skipped it this time...

Tim has been having a hard time with Jake being gone so much for work and is becoming very emotional and overreactive. We have found that it is helpful to basically script him responses and then teach him when to use those phrases. 

This week, we talked about winning. The boys like to race each other and Tim inevitably wins and starts shouting "I WIN!". AJ doesn't realize this and thinks he has won and also starts shouting "WIN!" Tim takes offense at this and shouts "NO, AJ! You LOSE!" Things just tend to escalate from there.

We talked about how when we win, we can be a nice winner or a mean winner. Heavenly Father wants us to always be nice, so we should choose to be a nice winner. Nice winners say "Good job! You won second place!" 

Tim recently learned how to play Chutes and Ladders and had been BEGGING to go play it with Grandma. We carted it over to her house and this gave him a chance to practice being a nice winner. 
With a moderate amount of prompting, he did a great job! Maybe in a few weeks we'll talk about still being nice even when you lose, but that is a harder lesson!

Closing Prayer: Grandma was packing to leave on a trip and AJ was crying to go to bed.... It got overlooked.

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